References as Competitive Advantage: Outshining Rivals in the Market

Written by Thomas Norris

References as Competitive Advantage: Outshining Rivals in the Market

If you’re looking to outshine your competition, one of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal is customer references. As a salesperson, customer references can be a powerful way to differentiate your product or service from the competition. With the right references, you can showcase the value of your offering and send a strong message to potential customers that you are the best choice for their needs.

At its core, customer references provide proof that your product or service is the best option. It’s an objective third-party endorsement that speaks to the quality of your offering. By leveraging customer references, you can create a competitive advantage and outshine your rivals in the market.

In this article, we’ll explore why customer references are a competitive advantage, how to use them effectively, and what you need to do to get the most out of your customer references.

Why Customer References are a Competitive Advantage

Customer references are a powerful competitive advantage because they provide an independent endorsement of your product or service. This endorsement carries more weight than anything you or your sales team can say. It’s a real-world example of your product or service in action and a tangible way to demonstrate how your offering can benefit potential customers.

Customer references can also provide a level of credibility that your competitors may not have. If you can provide references from other customers who have experienced success with your product or service, you can create a sense of trust and reassure potential customers that your offering is the right choice.

How to Leverage Customer References as a Competitive Advantage

If you want to get the most out of customer references, you need to have a plan in place. Here are some tips to help you leverage customer references as a competitive advantage:

1. Identify your ideal customers

Start by identifying your ideal customers. Who are the customers that are most likely to be successful with your product or service? These are the customers you should be targeting for customer references.

2. Reach out to customers

Reach out to customers who have had success with your product or service. Ask them if they would be willing to provide a customer reference. Make sure to get as much detail as possible, including specifics about why they chose your product or service and how it has helped them.

3. Promote your references

Once you have customer references, make sure to promote them. Share them on your website, in your sales materials, and on social media. This will help you create a competitive advantage by showcasing the value of your product or service.

4. Consider offering incentives

You may also want to consider offering incentives to customers who provide references. This could be anything from discounts or gift cards to free products or services. This will help encourage customers to provide references and make it more likely that you will get the references you need.

5. Follow up with references

Finally, make sure to follow up with customers who have provided references. This will help ensure that they are satisfied with your product or service and that their reference is accurate.


Customer references are a powerful tool for salespeople looking to outshine their competition. They provide an independent endorsement of your product or service and can help you create a competitive advantage. To get the most out of customer references, you need to have a plan in place. Identify your ideal customers, reach out to them, promote your references, consider offering incentives, and follow up with references. With the right approach, you can leverage customer references as a competitive advantage and outshine your rivals in the market.