Turning Clients into Brand Ambassadors Through References

Written by Thomas Norris

In today’s competitive sales environment, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. Thankfully, there’s a simple solution that can help salespeople gain a competitive edge and turn clients into brand ambassadors: references.

References are an invaluable tool for salespeople. According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 42% of buyers are more likely to trust a company if they have a positive referral from a friend or colleague. These references can help salespeople build trust with prospects and build relationships with current clients.

But how do salespeople use references to become more successful? Here are some tips on how to turn clients into brand ambassadors through references.

Start with Yourself

The first step to getting clients to become brand ambassadors is to start with yourself. Think about what makes your product or service stand out from the competition. What unique value does it provide? Are there any unique features or benefits that you can highlight?

Once you’ve identified your unique selling points, start to think about how you can use them to your advantage. Can you use them to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry? Are there any stories or anecdotes you can share with prospects or current clients?

By focusing on your unique selling points and leveraging them to your advantage, you can show potential clients why they should choose you over your competitors.

Encourage Referrals

Once you’ve identified your unique selling points, it’s time to start encouraging referrals. You can do this by asking current clients if they would be willing to provide a reference for your product or service.

You can also use social media to your advantage. Ask clients to write reviews or share their experiences on their social media profiles. This will help to spread the word about your product or service and create a positive impression among potential customers.

You can also use email marketing to reach out to your current clients. Send out emails asking for referrals and offering discounts or other incentives for referrals. This will help to increase the number of referrals you receive and make it easier to turn clients into brand ambassadors.

Reward Referrals

Another way to turn clients into brand ambassadors is to reward them for their referrals. This could be in the form of discounts, free products or services, or even cash.

By offering rewards for referrals, you’ll encourage your clients to spread the word about your product or service. This will help to increase brand awareness and create a positive image for your company.


References are an invaluable tool for salespeople. By focusing on your unique selling points, encouraging referrals, and rewarding clients for their referrals, you can easily turn clients into brand ambassadors. This will help to increase brand awareness and create a positive impression among potential customers.

By following these tips, you can gain a competitive edge and stand out from the crowd. So, what are you waiting for? Start turning clients into brand ambassadors today!